October 21, 2009

  • SPN interviews Timothy Kephart of Graffiti Tracker

    One of the benefits of working in BrightMix’s office is meeting the clients that stop by for meetings, parties, or the sporadic Friday grill session. It was at the latter of these that I met Timothy Kephart and his team at Graffiti Tracker. At the time, they were new to Omaha as Tim had recently…

  • 5 (more) reasons to attend Highlight Midwest in Des Moines #hmdm

    Inspired by Andy Brudtkuhl’s post, 5 Reasons To Attend Highlight Midwest In Des Moines #hmdm, I’ve written my own. Before you read mine, however, make sure to pay a visit to Andy’s site to see his in its entirety. Here’s a rundown of them: Party Killer Presentations Keynote Presentations Get Interviewed Meet People And here…

  • Upcoming event: Ignite Kansas City at Kauffman Foundation

    Here’s a great upcoming event for the folks in Kansas City (and honestly, the entire region, although registration is capped around 150!) Bo Fishback and the team at the Kauffman Foundation are announcing Ignite Kansas City to be held on November 3rd. Read on for more information… If you had five minutes on stage to…

  • Five in Five with Ben Schaechter from Ben in the Bay

    Name: Ben Schaechter Full-time job and title: Founder, GoPollGo City you’re blogging from: Omaha Name, subject and URL of your blog: Ben in the Bay, videos of my upcoming trip to the Bay Area, bentern.com Link to your video: 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? I’m talking mostly about www.bentern.com,…

  • MVF: Thursday networking dinner to focus on turnarounds and restarts

    Tomorrow’s Midlands Venture Forum’s quarterly Networking Reception will feature Craig Tuttle, President and CEO of Transgenomic, speaking on the topic of “turnarounds and restarts.” The goal of MVF, which has been in existence since 2000, is to enable entrepreneurs, investors and service providers to collaborate. At these receptions, the opportunity to mingle is not only…

  • Bruce Hoberman of Proxibid speaks at Sept. Cornstalks

    Details about next week’s Cornstalks will be posted by Aaron in the coming days. In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to watch last month’s Cornstalks’ speaker, Bruce Hoberman, who, prior to becoming the CEO of Omaha-based startup Proxibid, founded Homer’s at the age of 23 and grew it into a successful music retailer. In…