
  • SPN interviews Christian Gray of Mosaic

    Staying true to our tagline of highlighting not only entrepreneurs, but innovators, creative class and those pushing the envelope, we turn our attention to Mosaic Community Development.  Mosaic is a local nonprofit which focuses on addressing the needs of the homeless through relationships.  In addition to providing meals and necessities, they also take a unique…

  • Local musician launches new campaign

       Tim Wildsmith, who participated in the first Creative Capital Pitch Session, today announced a project he’s calling “FINANCE MY ALBUM“.As an independent singer-songwriter, Tim is inviting anyone who’s willing to join him in the process of making his new album and for those who participate there are some exciting incentives… Harnessing the power of…

  • SPN interviews (and is) Wild About Omaha

    We wanted to sit down with Lisa Waddell Smith of Mutual of Omaha who is the Communications Coordinator behind this coming weekend’s Wild About Omaha events! Mutual of Omaha is doing some amazing things within our community including the sponsoring and hosting of the 2008 and upcoming 2012 U.S. Olympic Swim Trials, the 13K sq.…

  • Retweet This: @GabeK behind @RT_Thursday

    What began as a parody of the most popular Twitter memes, #FollowFriday and #MusicMonday, has begun to gain a following of its own. In April, Omahan Gabe Kangas, @GabeK on Twitter, began manually retweeting his and his friends’ pointless tweets from the username RT_Thursday. “It was a joke,” he recalled, “and only my followers got…

  • SPN Interviews Rahul Gupta of DispatchThis

    Last month, I sat down with Rahul Gupta, the Omaha-based CEO of DispatchThis, Inc., a California-based company providing web-based software for the concrete pumping industry. Rahul, who grew up and attended college in California, shared with me his experiences as an entrepreneur in The Valley, Hollywood, and most recently, Omaha. The founding of DispatchThis came…

  • SPN interviews Joseph Knecht of Vipa Solutions

    The amazing business and work coming out of Lincoln these days is keeping us busy!  Our latest interview focuses on Joseph Knecht of Vipa Solutions. Joseph and the team at Vipa has received a lengthy list of accolades over the last few years including recognition in 2006 for the “Fastest Growing Company” by the Lincoln…

  • SPN interviews John Moorhead of Free Air Collective

    We sat down with John Moorhead of Free Air Collective who told us a bit more about what they’re working on in the Western part of the state. You’ll recall they just announced “Trivia on Twitter” through a partnership they had with SF-based Stage Two Consulting. Take a listen to John’s interview and feel free…

  • SPN interviews Colby Thomson of Allied Strategy

    Awhile back, we had an opportunity to talk in-depth with Colby Thomson of Lincoln-based Allied Strategy. His privately held company, founded in 2003, is geared to improve insurance industry work flows. Colby is a graduate of UNL’s Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and another Nebraska entrepreneur who has already accomplished a…

  • SPN interviews Wayne Brekke of Worlds of Wayne podcast

    Awhile back I had the opportunity to sit down with Wayne Brekke, aka “The Podfather,” for a great conversation on all of the projects he’s involved with. I first heard of Wayne for his work with the Worlds of Wayne podcast and the great musical guests he’s interviewed over time. Wayne is another great example…

  • SPN interviews Laura Brooker of Holy Cow Design

    We recently had an opportunity to catch up with Laura Brooker after hearing great things about the work she’s doing and some of the plans she has. Laura shared that she’s been turning creative ideas into coordinated print and web designs for about five years now and the process requires that she listens well and…