
  • SPN interviews Aaron Mentele of Electric Pulp

    On countless occasions Silicon Prairie News has showcased many of the “diamond in the rough” agencies, creatives, firms, and startups right here in our own backyard. The story of Electric Pulp in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is no different. I recently had the opportunity sit down and chat with Aaron Mentele, one of the three…

  • Interview with Drew Davies of Oxide Design Co.

    It’s officially here! The day when we can “officially” bring you our interview with Oxide Design Co.!  These guys are doing some amazing work, and many of you may know them from the branding work they did for Big Omaha 2009!   And if you haven’t already heard, a huge congratulations is in order for…

  • SPN interviews Alan Tipp of Eyeking

    So from time to time I get really excited about interviews…and this is one of those times. To be honest, every time I get an opportunity to sit down and learn more about someone’s passion and business it invigorates me to continue building the SPN community as well as spreading the news about the amazing…

  • SPN interviews Princess Lasertron, a.k.a. Megan Hunt

    Yes…we were finally able to connect with the Princess Lasertron at last night’s Omaha TweetUp! Princess Lasertron, aka Megan Hunt, talked with us about the many exciting things going on with her business including her new site launch and redesign by none other than Eric Downs of DownsDesign. The site was released a few days…

  • SPN interviews Scott Kubie of Market Street Media Foundry

      Corrected attendance numbers for Market Day at 4:27 p.m. on 10/11/09 Tucked away in an old brick structure in the south end of the Des Moines’ East Village is an interesting artistic community called the Market Street Media Foundry (MSMF). MSMF was founded by Scott Kubie, a video editor, and his wife, local artist…

  • SPN interviews Jessica McKay of Birdhouse Interior Design

    Sitting down with another creative entrepreneur in our city always excites me! More so when that person is relatively new to our city and has an amazing sense of passion and focus for what they want to do. The rest is on us to support that creativity and build the support network they need. I…

  • SPN interviews Charles Hull of Archrival

    Without further ado, our interview with Charles Hull of Archrival, a brand strategy and design agency out of Lincoln! Charles spoke at last month’s Cornstalks at the Omaha Chamber, and we wanted to give those who missed the event an opportunity to listen to the interview we cut with him… Enjoy and you can follow…

  • Interview with Elle Lien about CLEAN PLATE

    Elle Lien’s project is called CLEAN PLATE. The goal…to raise awareness around food and the art of eating.  The CLEAN PLATE installation at 22 Floors Empty Room is an opportunity for Elle to share with others her belief that the act of eating is an everyday expression of our most deeply held values. It will…

  • SPN interviews @Route140

    Last week while Whuffaoke was in town, I had the opportunity to talk with Mark Simonds, or @Route140…a.k.a the man behind the Twitter Road Trip adventure. Mark is traveling nation-wide road trip to interview people and companies using Twitter and have interesting stories to tell.  The idea for his project started as an excuse to…

  • SPN interviews Christian Gray of Mosaic

    Staying true to our tagline of highlighting not only entrepreneurs, but innovators, creative class and those pushing the envelope, we turn our attention to Mosaic Community Development.  Mosaic is a local nonprofit which focuses on addressing the needs of the homeless through relationships.  In addition to providing meals and necessities, they also take a unique…