Barcode Art

  • From the Founders: The Big Omaha energy carries on

    As we sit here just over a week since we kicked off Big Omaha 2010, we’re still unbelievably amazed by what took place in our community over the course of two and a half days. A new level of excitement and passion was born at this year’s event. People left changed, and for that we’re…

  • Big Omaha: Barcode artist Scott Blake digitizes human expressions

    The mission of KANEKO, the venue of the annual Big Omaha event, is to support and promote freedom in creativity, which begins with an idea and a vision to see things differently. Scott Blake, a 32-year-old Florida native, couldn’t be promoting this mission any clearer with his 21st century barcode art resembling the most notable…

  • Big Omaha: Morning sessions live blog

    8:32 a.m. The doors are open, the breakfast table is stocked and the mic’s gettin’ tested… Big Omaha 2010 is underway! Jeff and Dusty should be taking the stage in roughly 30 minutes for the day’s opening speech. We’ll check back in with you then! | 9:11 Jeff and Dusty are on stage. Here we…