Big Omaha

  • SPN interviews Joe Olsen of Phenomblue

    We had the opportunity to sit down with Joe Olsen, owner and founder of Phenomblue, a few weeks back and get the story on his business, ideas and thoughts around the state of entrepreneurship in the region. Phenomblue is ripping things up as of late with an appearance at SXSW Interactive as well as most…

  • Weekly Wrap Up

    Every Friday, we’ll be linking to the previous week’s news that pertains to “SPNers” and listing the upcoming week’s events that pique our interest. News of Last Week 4/16 – Creativity: Infotec has IT (Infotec09) 4/17 – Big names to attend Big Omaha (Big Omaha) Events of Next Week 4/18 – Earth Day Omaha –…

  • …and we’re back!

    So the Silicon Prairie News team is back from a long trip to Austin for the 2009 SXSW Interactive Festival. I’m still compiling many of my initial thoughts as the lack of rest and overwhelming number of options to choose from has left us all a little spent. In a few words however, the experience…

  • SPN interviews Gary Vaynerchuk

    A few weeks back Jeff (@jjsnyc), Matt Secoske (@secos) and I (@dustyd) trekked up to Sioux City, Iowa to meet up with Gary Vaynerchuk, and grab a couple of interviews for Silicon Prairie News and Big Omaha… In this video, Gary shares a bit about what he’s up to these days, why he’s coming to…

  • Big Omaha…let’s go!

    It’s official! After all the chitter chatter, rumors and talk… The Big Omaha site is live! Shortly after Sarah Lacy came into town last year, we here at SPN decided to take it to the next level by hosting the first ever Big Omaha conference! Big Omaha will bring together the region’s creative class, investors,…

  • The Big Omaha conference update

    Fellow SPNers!  A quick note to let you know we’ve nailed the dates for the BIG OMAHA Conference. The dates are May 7th & 8th 2009 in Omaha.  Gary Vaynerchuk is confirmed folks!  Amazing news for those who know what Gary is all about.  For those that don’t…please read up on him below. Gary’s passionate…

  • SPN interviews Bozell

    SPN Interviews Bozell from Silicon Prairie News on Vimeo. We had the opportunity to dine with Sylvia France and Will Flavell of Bozell yesterday and talk more about the Big Omaha Conference. Sylvia & Will are doing some amazing things in Omaha around social media, entrepreneurship and innovation and we’re happy to continue working with…

  • BIG OMAHA Shoutout…Thanks Guy!

    Guy Kawasaki put out a post on Twitter regarding the BIG OMAHA Conference which links back to the site he founded, Truemors.   We at SPN appreciate all the postitive buzz going on around the Conference and inivite you to go to the Truemors link to both vote and spread the news about the link!  Right now, the story…