RedBlue Flix

  • Billups creates time to deliver mobile movie app, RedBlue Flix

    By day, Toran Billups works as a software developer with Iowa Student Loan. By night, he’s a father and husband. But by early morning, he’s an inventor of time. “I looked at the time in the day,” Billups, 28, said, “and because there wasn’t enough, I had to come up with some, so I invented…

  • New movie rental experience colored by RedBlue Flix

    As movie-goers sit on the cusp of summer blockbuster season, they must patiently wait for films to hit the big screen. Yet, as the anticipation builds for these new flicks, avid movie fans can find some comfort with a shortened wait time to view the newest DVD and Blu-ray releases. RedBlue Flix, an application for…