Five in Five with Joshua Best from JoshuaBest.net
1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? Joshua Best, The subject is my thoughts, JoshuaBest.net 2. Why do you blog? I blog mainly for self exploration and self discovery. Part of that, is that blogging causes me to think deeper on topics, take the time to consider my feelings on it,…
Five in Five with Sara Davidson from Walk, Talk, Chew Gum
Name: Sara Davidson | Full-time job: Marketing Specialist, Consumer/Distribution Marketing at Mutual of Omaha | City blogging from: Omaha | 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? Walk, Talk, Chew Gum is a metaphor about wanting to experience and have it all in life. I use it as a platform to…
Five in Five with Linsey Knerl from Lille Punkin’ Reviews & Wise Bread
Name: Linsey Knerl | Full-time job: Freelancer/Blogger, Community Manager, wisebread.com, co-author of 10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget | City blogging from: Tekamah, Nebraska | 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? My personal blog is Lille Punkin’ Reviews, a family-friendly review blog that I’ve been working on…
Five in Five with Pete Jones from Des Moines is Not Boring
Name: Pete Jones | Full-time job: Wells Fargo Financial | City blogging from: Des Moines | 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? Des Moines is Not Boring, Proving Des Moines is NOT Boring, desmoinesisnotboring.com 2. Why do you blog? It’s fun, I enjoy it. As a kid, I thought Des…
Five in Five with Catherine Bosley from Bosley Creative
Name: Catherine Bosley | Full-time job: Photographer | City you’re blogging from: Omaha 1. What is the name, subject and URL of your blog? Bosley Creative, photography and family, BosleyCreative.wordpress.com 2. Why do you blog? I blog to keep my clients up to date on what we are doing at Bosley Creative, for new clients…
Five in Five with Chris De Jabet from Techēse
Name: Chris De Jabet | City you’re blogging from: Lincoln, Nebraska | My blog is called techēse. I’ve defined that as “of or relating to technology or its language, culture, or people.” My goal is to write informative insights into interesting new technology. Expect a fair bit of Apple-related articles, naturally. The site just launched…
Five in Five with Brad and Terry Johnson from Two Wine Brothers
Names: Brad Johnson and Terry Johnson | Full-time jobs: Brad: Adjunct psychology instructor, Kirkwood Community College (Cedar Rapids, Iowa); and assistant winemaker, Fireside Winery (Marengo, Iowa) Terry: Assistant Program Manager, U.S. Navy | City blogging from: Brad (Vinton, Iowa) and Terry…
Five in Five with Christy Nelson of ChristyNelson.net
Name: Christy Nelson | Full-time job: Social Media Consultant at Toolulu, Craft Blogger at ChristyNelson.net, Mom at my house | City you’re blogging from: Lincoln
Five in Five with Caleb Pollard from Ord Sunshine Pumpers
Name: Caleb Pollard | Full-time job: Executive Director of Valley County Economic Development & the Ord Area Chamber of Commerce | City you’re blogging from: City? I’m located in the sweet spot of the Nebraska Sandhills: Ord, Neb. …