June 2, 2011

  • Bob Hinrichs reflects on keys to a great entrepreneurial ecosystem

    Last week we introduced you to Bob Hinrichs, the technology developer that moved to back to Lincoln last summer after spending years in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to what we covered in the first story on Hinrichs, we also visited with him about the keys to creating a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem. Here…

  • PIPELINE alumni stepping up to help match Kauffman Foundation grant

    PIPELINE alumni continue to dig into their pockets to help fuel the future of entrepreneurship in the region. PIPELINE president and CEO Joni Cobb said Wednesday that past participants of the Kansas-based entrepreneurship program for innovative, high-growth entrepreneurs have have raised an additional $55,000 since presenting a check for $160,000 to PIPELINE in late April.…

  • A look back at Big Omaha 2011: Day 1 speakers and concert photos

    “7 a.m. waking up in the morning” is not just a catchy line from the internet meme Rebecca Black, it just so happened to be the exact time volunteers woke up and started Day 2 of Big Omaha. Pictured left, volunteer Shawna Soltis prepares breakfast for more than 600 attendees who would soon flood the…

  • Greg Meyer of Gist: Finding your true fans in every city

    (This is a gust post by Greg Meyer of Gist.) If you’re in the business of building a community, part of the strategy probably sounds like this: “go to [anchor city] and [another anchor city]. Have a meetup and get to know our users there. Then, we’ll be able to depend upon them to spread…