Gary Vaynerchuk at Big Omaha 2011 – Friday, May 13, 2011
Today, we’re pleased to share with the you eleventh video in our Big Omaha 2011 Video Series, brought to you by CoSentry.
This video features the one and only Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia and Daily Grape.
In his talk, Gary brought a side of business and personality that only he can bring. He opened his presentation with a take on where things are at today in the business and entrepreneurial arena from his vantage point, then invited some attendees onstage, one by one, for a rapid-fire Q&A.
Looking back, it was just under three years ago that Gary agreed to come into Omaha and see what were building here. The rest, as they say, is history. Gary has been an unbelievable supporter, go-to resource and ally of ours and we own him a tremendous amount of gratitude for everything he’s done for us. He’s a truly unique and loyal friend.
To read a recap of Gary’s talk, see our post:
“Big Omaha – Gary Vaynerchuk: ‘For the first time ever your ears matter more than your mouth’ “
Please tell Gary thanks via Twitter, @garyvee, for everything he’s done to build Big Omaha into an amazing nationally recognized event over the past three years.
Big Omaha is Silicon Prairie News’ premier annual event held each May to inspire, educate and connect entrepreneurs, especially those with an interest in the tech industry. Visit to learn more.
Next up: Thinc Iowa. If you enjoyed Big Omaha, then you’ll want to be the first to know about Thinc Iowa, an event aimed at exploring the common ground between startups and corporations. Sign up to be the first to learn more at