October 24, 2014

  • Full stack developer, account executive and 34 more jobs

    Every week, Silicon Prairie News presents job opportunities in the region’s tech, startup and creative community. From a contract job to a co-founder role, these jobs are submitted by companies and gathered from public postings.

  • 10 people to grab coffee with if you’re new to KC’s startup community

    While the Silicon Prairie may span across several states, include vastly different types of companies and entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds (and football rivalries), supportive communities are one factor that tie them all together. Whether you’re in Omaha or Des Moines, Kansas City or Cedar Rapids, you’ll find people who really care about helping their fellow…

  • Valvora Innovation Station a “suggestion box on steroids” for corps

    Valvora Innovation Station a “suggestion box on steroids” for corps

    OMAHA—There are 46,000 employees at Union Pacific, making it one of the larger employers in the Midwest. And with that, comes a lot of hierarchy out of pure necessity. But hierarchy can make it difficult for lower level employees to get an idea heard and executed quickly…