
  • SPN interviews Jonathan Sharp of Out West Media

    Last summer, Jonathan Sharp undertook two new major responsibilities, one right after the other. In June, his wife gave birth to their fist child, and one month later, he left his job at Union Pacific to found Out West Media, a web development business. I recently sat down with Jonathan to hear about this transition,…

  • SPN interviews Emily Taylor of SponsorPark

    I had the opportunity to sit down with Emily Taylor, founder of SponsorPark, to talk about their recent launch of their business and website, which sets aim on revolutionizing the sponsorship arena. SponsorPark is founded on the belief that people are made for great things, and through hard work and invested support lives are forever…

  • SPN interviews Pat Lazure and Rohit Keshwani of WikiCity

    We had the opportunity to sit down with Pat Lazure and Rohit Keshwani of WikiCity who shared information about their current project, WikiCity. Founded in late 2008, WikiCity provides unique local content on places, events, and people who would be of interest to those associated with any of its 22,000 U.S. towns. It serves these…

  • SPN interviews Allison Bickford of Bickford Bakery

    Allison Bickford doesn’t hesitate to admit that she’s “not a professorially trained baker,” but she’ll quickly add, “I’ve been baking basically my whole life.” Inspired by the women in her family, she’s recently taken her passion to the next level and opened Bickford Bakery in Omaha’s Old Market district. Originally from Texas and an alum…

  • SPN interviews Joe Olsen of Phenomblue

    We had the opportunity to sit down with Joe Olsen, owner and founder of Phenomblue, a few weeks back and get the story on his business, ideas and thoughts around the state of entrepreneurship in the region. Phenomblue is ripping things up as of late with an appearance at SXSW Interactive as well as most…

  • SPN interviews Dave Andersen of Eelios

    SPN recently had the opportunity to interview Eelios, a spinoff of 21CSI, at their office located in the Scott Technology Center. Eelios is leveraging, and taking to the commercial market, “intelligent” decision support software technology that 21CSI has developed and fielded for use in a variety of government programs. Through the adaptation of 21CSI’s technology,…

  • SPN interviews John Gustafson of Ideation Ventures

    A two and half year weekly commute from Nebraska to Chicago likely means you either love the former or can’t pass up an opportunity in the latter. For John Gustafson, managing director and founder of Ideation Ventures, it was both. Nebraska remained his residence and Chicago his graduate school destination. After receiving an accounting degree…

  • SPN interviews Mary Ann O’Brien-Elkjer of OBI Creative

    When Mary Ann O’Brien’s father suggested she apply to an up and coming PC company in North Sioux City, S.D. after her college graduation, she was skeptical. “I’m not into computers, this is highly unlikely it’s going to be a fit,” she recalled telling her father. “But, low and behold, I landed a job at…

  • SPN interviews Jimmy Winter of Music Arsenal

    A few weeks ago, Silicon Prairie News sat down with Jimmy Winter, founder of Music Arsenal, a web application designed to help record labels manage their operations. Music Arsenal is an online tool designed for the indie music industry. This site helps you keep track of all the valuable information necessary to manage your band…

  • SPN interviews Carl Weiland of Silverline Productions Co

    This article is courtesy of SPN guest blogger Danny Schreiber. Carl Weiland hopes his videos will bring excitement to some and passion to others. As the producer of the Creighton Bluejays’ Gametime video he hopes to instill the former, and as the producer of The Cristo Rey Network‘s promotional video he hopes to instill the…