Dan Stratman

  • KC pilot launches mobile app to aid ‘stressed and frustrated’ passengers

    Airline captain Dan Stratman of Kansas City knows the frustrations of airline travel firsthand. “As a captain for a major airline for 23 years, I encountered many stressed out and frustrated customers on my flights,” Stratman (left) said on Tuesday. “My uniform is like a magnet for people who need help and I’m very sympathetic…

  • Prairie Moves: Airport Life, eDossea, RecBob and more

    Published Tuesdays and Fridays, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please email editor@siliconprairienews.com. And if…