Davis Brown Law Firm

  • A closer look at crowdfunding for startups

    (This is a guest post by Bill Hanigan and Mark Wickham.) Congress is in the business of making laws. Some of those laws prove helpful, while others do not help much at all. The recently enacted (and eagerly anticipated) crowdfunding provisions contained in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act), which was signed into…

  • Welcome to our new sponsor, Start-Up Launchpad

    We’re very excited to welcome our latest sponsor to Silicon Prairie News, the Start-Up Launchpad from Des Moines-based law firm Davis Brown. Davis Brown is one of Iowa’s largest law practices and a tremendous supporter …

  • BIZ Insights: Harris explains patent, IP law with startups in mind (Video)

    In February, Emily Harris, a shareholder in the Davis Brown Law Firm’s Intellectual Property Practice, presented “IP Legislative Updated.” Here’s a description of her talk from the Business Innovation Zone’s website: With the impending implementation of the largest changes in United States patent law and the recent headlines around cyber piracy legislation, Emily Harris, (Intellectual…

  • Prairie Moves: Ed Kuklenski, iapps24, Gordilla and more

    What is Prairie Moves? – Published Tuesdays and Thursdays, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post,…