Gary Vaynerchuk

  • SPN interviews Gary Vaynerchuk

    A few weeks back Jeff (@jjsnyc), Matt Secoske (@secos) and I (@dustyd) trekked up to Sioux City, Iowa to meet up with Gary Vaynerchuk, and grab a couple of interviews for Silicon Prairie News and Big Omaha… In this video, Gary shares a bit about what he’s up to these days, why he’s coming to…

  • Big Omaha…let’s go!

    It’s official! After all the chitter chatter, rumors and talk… The Big Omaha site is live! Shortly after Sarah Lacy came into town last year, we here at SPN decided to take it to the next level by hosting the first ever Big Omaha conference! Big Omaha will bring together the region’s creative class, investors,…

  • The Big Omaha conference update

    Fellow SPNers!  A quick note to let you know we’ve nailed the dates for the BIG OMAHA Conference. The dates are May 7th & 8th 2009 in Omaha.  Gary Vaynerchuk is confirmed folks!  Amazing news for those who know what Gary is all about.  For those that don’t…please read up on him below. Gary’s passionate…

  • SPN interviews Gary Vaynerchuk

    Silicon Prairie News had the opportunity to interview’s Gary & AJ Vaynerchuk’s newest startup, PleaseDress.Me as well as talk in general about entrepreneurship. Check out the interview with Gary V here! [audio:] Everything we’ve heard about Gary is that he is the most real young entpreneur out there in the space today. He’s always…

  • PleaseDress.Me

        So Team Vaynerchuk is at it again! We’ve recently mentioned Gary Vaynerchuk as on board for next year’s “BIG OMAHA” conference and have been big fans of WineLibraryTV for his use of social media in growing his business and his brand. Best of all is Gary is one of the truly genuine young entrepreneurs…

  • Omaha web 2.0 / social media conference?

    Whose interested?  We’re gauging interest right now, but initial talks have included Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss and Warren Buffett…yes that’s right, Tim says he’ll come to Omaha for free if we can get Warren on stage with him at the same time… Are we up to the challenge? What do you think? Are you interested?…