Jason Schwab

  • MiAlio aims to cut through clutter with profile-driven online shopping

    Jason Schwab doesn’t like to shop, yet he is the man behind MiAlio, a personalized, online shopping portal. Schwab (left) created MiAlio to simplify the clutter of the online shopping process and bring products that specifically cater to what he likes and needs directly to him. The site acts as a personalized shopping consultant, taking…

  • Cornstalks Demo Night: Wrapping it all up (Video)

    As a postlude to our eight-post series on the demonstrations that took place at Cornstalks Demo Night on March 31, we once again present our recap of the demo night and links to the eight demonstrations we’ve…

  • Cornstalks Demo Night: MiAlio demo by Jason Schwab (Video)

    In its fourth day of beta testing, Jason Schwab presented MiAlio and walked Cornstalks attendees through the process of setting up an online profile for the personalized shopping portal. MiAilo is focused on discovering, shopping and sharing users’ experience based on the individual profiles of each shopper. MiAlio acts as an umbrella that directs customers…