Raikes Program

  • SPN interviews Colby Thomson of Allied Strategy

    Awhile back, we had an opportunity to talk in-depth with Colby Thomson of Lincoln-based Allied Strategy. His privately held company, founded in 2003, is geared to improve insurance industry work flows. Colby is a graduate of UNL’s Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management and another Nebraska entrepreneur who has already accomplished a…

  • Evan Williams video from UNL

    As we reported, Evan Williams of Twitter was at UNL’s Raikes School last Friday afternoon.  It was interesting to hear directly from Evan on his vision, history and outlook into Twitter’s future.  Enjoy and stay tuned for more stories we’re going to cut of some of the outstanding students enrolled at the school.

  • Xconomy interviews Jeff Raikes about Agile Sports

    Seattle business and technology website Xconomy has an interesting interview with Jeff Raikes of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Raikes is originally from Nebraska, and spent many years at Microsoft before moving on to head up the worlds largest philanthropic organization. Xconomy interviewed him regarding his role as investor and advisor to Lincoln, NE…