Steve Dee

  • Building the Foundary – Part II: The Future

    (Left: Hayneedle’s Doug Nielsen, Steve Dee, and Jason Goldberger) In less than six months, the Foundary has gone from a proposed idea to a successful home flash-sale site standing alone but also shining a light on another former startup company, Hayneedle. There are distinctions between the two sites and looking forward, the team at the…

  • Building the Foundary – Part I: The Backstory

    (Left: Hayneedle’s Jason Goldberger and Steve Dee.) Although it’s been just over a month since it launched, the Foundary, a home flash-sale site affiliated with Hayneedle, has come a long way from an idea mapped on a white board to a fully functioning website seeing thousands of registered users each day. The Foundary started as…