This is the second of three posts with updates from our CCPS contestants.
A few weeks ago, Dan Hoffman of Invest Nebraska, the organization that has sponsored our CCPS $1,000 prize, asked me for updates from our past contestants. Unable to provide them myself, I contacted the 26 past contestants with three questions:
- Where are you now with the idea you pitched?
- Specifically, what were your takeaways from pitching in a CCPS? Did you make any new connections?
- Where do you hope to be in the future with your idea, or, if you stopped working on it, what’s the next idea you’ll be pursuing?
I received quite a few responses and I’m excited to not only share them with Dan but with you, as well.
Thanks to our sponsor
To watch the one-minute video pitches submitted for our second CCPS, visit:
Laura Brooker — Moodie
1. We are not without vision, but lacking in money and time.
2. Yes, I made some terrific new connections! My takeaways would be to have a power point next time and consider goals for ‘after the pitch.’ I’d say we were quite unprepared and unsure about what we actually wanted next.
3. Hmm. Strangers continue to sign up for our beta which is cool ( We have yet to find an online moodboard tool for designers and clients which means there’s still a problem to be solved. We need to get feedback from all the designer/creatives we know about the concept. We need to dig as deep as we can into competitors to make sure we can differentiate ourselves enough in both name and concept.
Suggestions welcome 🙂
I am so thankful for the opportunity and the connections I made. I just hope that they can endure while we are on ‘pause’.
– Laura Brooker
Pierce & Brittany Hibma — He Said She Said Blog
1. We are entering our sixth month of blogging and having a ton of fun ( We’ve developed and created our iPhone App, Marriage Log, that is selling well in the iTunes store. The feedback we’ve received has encouraged us to upgrade it very soon. We’ve been able to extend our story and message beyond the internet, speaking to groups. Another development is the creation of a YouTube channel focused on the “she” perspective called, The Wifeyhood Experience.
2. Our major takeaway from pitching in a CCPS was presenting our idea and business model to a wider audience. It was helpful to make a public presentation on the vision that we had. Also, we received feedback that we have used in making our ideas become reality.
3. We have ideas for subsequent iPhone Apps and are improving our website in the near future. It is our goal to incorporate other couples in our movement to provide positive voices regarding marriage by featuring them as guest bloggers. We feel that we are just beginning on our journey with He Said She Said blog and are excited about the future.
– Pierce Hibma
Jonathan Sharp — Digital Costumer Assistant
1. I recently purchased an iPhone and have started creating a prototype for the digital customer assistant.
– Jonathan Sharp
Sara Dreamer — Habitwise
1. Habitwise continues to build a national brand and generate good health through the power of healthy habits. Since the pitch we have launched a new website ( and work daily to expand our social footprints and sales channels — all while helping men, women and children improve their health.
2. Not long after the Creative Capital Pitch II we accepted an invitation to join the Halo Creative Capital Institute where we are building our corporate identity both inside and out. Beyond joining Halo, expanding our Facebook fans, Twitter followers, LinkedIn connections and blackbook contacts with fantastic entrepreneurs in Omaha, we also built connectivity with ourselves, our purpose and our mission. So the saying goes … “saying it is the first step in believing it.” Creating and posting the video, followed by the pitch brought a whole lot of realism to the idea.
3. Our goal is to continue developing products, avenues and momentum. This includes the development of virtual and socially interactive programs to expand the outreach and usage of our concept.
– Sara Dreamer