The Greater Des Moines Partnership, an economic and community development organization serving Greater Des Moines, released its latest promotional video on YouTube. Clocking in at 1:37, the video features interviews with Dwolla co-founder and CEO Ben Milne as well as the startup’s COO, Charise Flynn.
In addition to Dwolla, the video shows the office of BitMethod (0:40 mark); the shared office space of Shane Reiser of Startup Weekend, Andy Brudktkuhl of 48web and Geoff Wood of Silicon Prairie News (0:42 mark); the office of Grand Consulting (0:54 mark); the ping pong table of BitMethod (0:54 mark); the Pongr office (1:11 mark); and again the BitMethod office (1:14 mark).
Here are a few statements from Milne that stuck out for me:
“I think that Des Moines as a community has been very good to us, it’s opened a lot of doors for us. It’s been very nurturing and given us a lot of education.”
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“You can do a lot in Des Moines…I mean, I kind of use this example sometimes: if you raise a million dollars on the coast, that money is not going to get you very far. In Des Moines, Iowa that gets you quite a ways. You can do a lot with a million dollars in Des Moines, Iowa.”
Here’s the promotional video (from Des Moines Partnership on YouTube):