Today we are thrilled to unveil the first video in our Big Omaha 2011 Video Series, brought to you by CoSentry.
Kicking it off is Marc Eckō, the founder and chief creative officer of Marc Eckō Enterprises, a billion dollar full-scale global fashion and lifestyle company, and the founder of Artists & Instigators, a venture innovation company.
In this talk, Marc shared his background and entrepreneurial journey, from Lakewood, N.J to his travels literally around the world and building the Eckō Unlimited brand into a billion dollar business.
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Marc also shared more about his new venture, Artists & Instigators, in which he and his team aim to build the “AARP of entrepreneurship” and make the A&I name and ampersand synonymous with the startup life similar to how the Nike swoosh is synonymous with sports.
To read a recap of Marc’s talk, see our post:
“Big Omaha – Marc Eckō: ‘Just because you talk about it doesn’t mean you did it’ “
A huge thanks to Marc for taking time to share his inspiration and story with us at Big Omaha. Marc is someone that we’ve wanted to bring in for Big Omaha for some time, therefore it was amazingly exciting and humbling to have him sign on to the task of inspiring and building the entrepreneurial community here.
Please tell him “Thank you!” via Twitter, @MarcEcko, and to continue the greatness.
Big Omaha is Silicon Prairie News’ premier annual event held each May to inspire, educate and connect entrepreneurs, especially those with an interest in the tech industry. Visit to learn more.
Next up: Thinc Iowa. If you enjoyed Big Omaha, then you’ll want to be the first to know about Thinc Iowa, an event aimed at exploring the common ground between startups and corporations. Sign up to be the first to learn more at