L5, a group described as “a trade association for entrepreneurs” by one of its founders, will hold its first event in Omaha on Tuesday at House of Loom. Titled “Resolutions + Renewal“, L5 is aiming to bring together entrepreneurs to share new year’s resolutions, encouraging discussion around which ones have been kept and which ones have been set aside.
Spearheaded by Kevin Hagemoser, L5 is the result of five Lincoln entrepreneurs putting their heads together and asking how they could help Lincoln entrepreneurs engage with and learn from one another. The group has since expanded to Omaha.
“Entrepreneurship is lonely,” Hagemoser said in a November interview with Nebraska Entrepreneur. “What do you do about that when you’re in the four walls of your business with your head down? How do you make sure that you don’t feel like it’s you against the world?”
If you’re looking to get out and meet other entrepreneurs, head on down to House of Loom on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. for the L5 event. Find more information on L5’s Facebook event.
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Learn more about L5 in Nebraska Entrepreneur’s article: “L5 Building Nebraska’s Entrepreneurial Community Through Education“.
Two events, one night: Tuesday features two entrepreneur-focused events starting at 6:30 p.m. L5 is taking place at House of Loom at the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce’s Cornstalks is taking place at CAMP Coworking. Learn more about Cornstalks in our post: “Cornstalks returns Tuesday with Ben Pankonin and Matt Secoske“.
Image credit: Screenshot from nebraskaentrepreneur.com.