Get your laptops, beer fridges and water bottles ready because the good folks at Sticker Mule have come on board to provide stickers for each of our three Big Series events in 2013. We’re big fans of Sticker Mule and the quality of the work they produce. If you’ve grabbed a Silicon Prairie News, Big Omaha or Thinc Iowa sticker in the past then you’ve seen it for yourself. If not, your next chance is to grab one at the Big Kansas City opening party March 26.
In addition to the round circle stickers above, when you order from Sticker Mule you can choose from several stock shapes or die-cut or have them produce skins for your laptop, Kindle, iPhone or iPad. Online ordering and proofing is quick and easy.
Thanks to our sponsor
Stickermule has really become the provider of choice for stickers in the national startup community, counting count companies like GitHub, reddit, Mailchimp and others among their large client base. Check out some of their great work in their Sticker Gallery.
Thanks, Sticker Mule, for your support of The Big Series.