Emploi.us receives $50K from IEDA Innovation Acceleration Fund

The Iowa Economic Development Authority announced Friday that eight Iowa startups received awards through various innovation programs, including Des Moines startup Emploi.us.  Emploi.us was awarded a $50,000 loan from the Iowa Innovation Acceleration Fund to refine its product, which helps construction crews communicate on the job site. The mobile and web app allows users to communicate amongst team…

The Iowa Economic Development Authority announced Friday that eight Iowa startups received awards through various innovation programs, including Des Moines startup Emploi.us

Emploi.us was awarded a $50,000 loan from the Iowa Innovation Acceleration Fund to refine its product, which helps construction crews communicate on the job site. The mobile and web app allows users to communicate amongst team members, develop project schedules and employ location-based timecards, among other features. 

According to IEDA, the startup plans to launch the first version of its product sometime in April. 

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This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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One response to “Emploi.us receives $50K from IEDA Innovation Acceleration Fund”

  1. […] March, the startup was awarded a $50,000 loan from the Iowa Innovation Acceleration Fund to refine its […]


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