Think Big Partners announced today on their blog that the group will be moving their operations this fall. Granted, it’s only a block away. “This building is located in the Crossroads District in amazing downtown Kansas City, Mo., and is a logical, improved and state-of-the-art next step space designed to create the ultimate workspace for our members, clients, community and ourselves,” reads a post on Think Big’s site. With them, they’ll take their accelerator, co-working spaces and give right-of-refusal to all current tenants.
This time around, however, Think Big is looking to accommodate companies of up to 40 people. Although details are scarce, the post says the goal “is to create an even denser ecosystem of high growth companies and essential service providers and to continue to build Kansas City into one of the most entrepreneurial communities in the country.” If you’re interested in the new space, there will be a hard-hat tour on Wednesday, April 16, at 4 p.m. and you can sign up here. — Source: Think Big Partners
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