What’s the point of the Silicon Prairie Awards? And why should you be involved this year? We’re glad you asked.
The SPAwards doesn’t pick next big thing, but it does provide a “group photo” of who we are and what we are excited about this year. Here’s our list of the top five reasons why you should be at the Silicon Prairie Awards on May 2:
1. It’s a massive resource-sharing and regional networking opportunity.
Every day SPN draw an expanding audience of readers from all corners of the US (and world!). Everybody in your local circle may know the buzz, but the SPAwards are a great opportunity to let a broader community know what’s happening in your neighborhood and see what’s working in the region. People in Kansas need to see what’s succeeding in Iowa. Nebraska has something to learn from Missouri. It’s a chance to crowdsource the prairie, and gain and give insights.
2. It’s a way to celebrate our diversity.
Sometimes startups take flack for catering to one stereotype. (We wear t-shirts, play with NERF guns, and drink beer all day.) But the startups that form the Silicon Prairie are actually very diverse, with companies in a wide variety of industries who pursue various passions. In fact, many companies don’t fit the stereotypes of startup culture at all. The SPAwards are one way we can affirm that and celebrate how diverse a community we are.
3. It’s a way to throw off your insecurities, be proud of your work and celebrate us.
When evaluating our community, we often get stuck comparing ourselves to other parts of the country. It’s time to put an end to that. The Silicon Prairie is its own unique tech community that crosses all boundaries. The SPAwards celebrate who we are, in a way no local chamber or state association does.
Thanks to our sponsor
Plus, we are proud of our work. We are already epic. We set up camp wherever there is wi-fi, work remotely for companies on the coasts and serve clients around the globe. We’re a community of hard workers who deserve to turn off our email notifications for at least one night and celebrate.
4. It’s an opportunity to give major props to non-founders and #BangTheDrum for someone else.
Most of the time, media attention goes to startup founders which is fair enough. But the SPAwards are actually one of the few times we give praise to all the other rock stars who help run the show–– developers, investors, creators and community champions. They need love, too! And they deserve it.
We’re calling on everyone to champion the people they know who are successful, heads-down, hard-working—and yet still under the radar. Get your whole team involved in cheering on a company, person or organization that has had an impact on you this year.
5. The SPAwards benefits a nonprofit and supports Omaha Startup Week.
Money raised from the Silicon Prairie Awards helps to support Silicon Prairie News year-round. SPN is an entity of AIM, an innovative not-for-profit that grows, promotes and supports the tech talent ecosystem in the Silicon Prairie.
This year, the SPAwards will be held during Omaha Startup Week to maximize local connections and support the whole of the startup scene. The Omaha Startup Week committee has planned an amazing five days of celebration for our community and we couldn’t be more excited to be a part of that.
SPAwards details
When: May 2, 2017, event begins at 7-10 PM
Where: Omaha Design Center (1502 Cuming St)
Tickets: $25
For sponsorship and table reservations, contact Brian Lee at brian@siliconprairienews.com or 402.345.5025 x343.