Sunday Video: All you need is love

During graduation season, we turn our Sunday Video Series to the notable commencement speeches happening on college campuses throughout the country — this one is a throwback with a timeless message. “Many people measure their success in the amount of minutes they get to speak with John Doerr,” said Rice University President David Leebron in…

During graduation season, we turn our Sunday Video Series to the notable commencement speeches happening on college campuses throughout the country — this one is a throwback with a timeless message. “Many people measure their success in the amount of minutes they get to speak with John Doerr,” said Rice University President David Leebron in his introduction. The heavily-lauded venture capitalist has been involved with Intel, Google, Amazon, Netscape and other internet giants, but when he was invited back to his alma mater for a commencement speech in 2007, he focused on a softer topic: Love.

“You make meaning in life through others,” Doerr said. “It’s a simple, powerful message, but it’s not that easy to live.” Doerr described the three great love stories of his life, along with the times he had gotten off track.

“There will always be another business trip to take, another phone call to make, another dinner to attend,” he said. After his wife was diagnosed with cancer, he changed his priorities. Every potential evening commitment was put to the test: Is this worth missing a night at home?

“When I screw up as a venture capitalist, I may lose some money and a bit of pride, but if I fail as a parent, I lose love and lives that can never be regained.”

Doerr concluded by reminding the graduates that their story — filled with family, mentors, heroes and lovers — was still being written.

“You’re writing it from this moment onwards. Right here, right now.”


Credits: Video from KPCB on YouTube

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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