What 2016 teaches us about 2017’s blank page
You know what I love about the start of a new year? It’s what I love about Opening Day of the baseball season or the first day of school. It’s when you allow yourself, even just for a brief moment, to imagine a blank slate. The glass isn’t just half full, it’s spilling over with…
The science of acquiring skill: A step-by-step guide
The success of a company ultimately comes down to skill. Every employee at a company has a job to do. How well they do that job determines whether the company will succeed or fail. I believe wanting to improve is a fundamental human trait, and we all have a hidden (or visible) desire to be…
Unexpected marketing lessons from a ubiquitous red hat
With the election of Donald Trump, lots of things we thought were tucked away on the dusty shelves of history appear to be back in vogue, and lots of things we thought we knew and understood to be true have been pretty much turned upside down. Let’s set aside the politics of it all for…
5 things startups ought to know about trademarks
If you want to grow a successful business, you need to give serious thought to your trademarks (your name, logo, and slogan). On the one hand, you need to make sure your marks are unique so you can prevent others from using your marks in their marketing. And on the other hand, you need to…
Your startup will never be diverse
When we first pitched this topic to Ryan, I figured we’d rightfully get a reply like, “What is a middle-class white dude doing talking about diversity?” However, in my most recent experience hiring for two positions at Bulu, Inc., two things became obvious to me: Diversity in your team is something you need, and you…
Our 10 favorite advice stories of 2016
Along with our many company profiles over the course of the year, we at SPN enjoy sprinkling in some hard-earned wisdom from some of the region’s most successful talent. Here are the most popular advice stories we published in the past year. 1. Don’t read this for motivation (Paul Jarrett) Bulu Inc. co-founder and general life enthusiast…
What the Cubs can teach us about branding
I’ve had the word “rebrand” on the brain a lot these days. It’s becoming a borderline obsession. Maybe it’s because we’ve had a few rebranding projects come through the shop recently. But, more than anything, I blame the Chicago Cubs. Let’s talk about those Cubbies for a moment and what their brand is all about.…
Entrepreneurship is divine madness
Entrepreneurship is really hard. You invest years with no guaranteed returns. Each company you build is a new roll of the dice. So why do professional entrepreneurs keep building? It doesn’t make sense to build a company, sell it, and build another. The odds are against you, so if you get out ahead why not…
5 tips for telling your brand story
The Creative Director of the The New BLK in Omaha, Nebraska, shares his best advice for companies looking to tell the story of their brand to potential customers and the world. 1. Make sure your story is actually a story As Ernest Hemingway once observed: “All our words from loose using have lost their edge.”…
If you’re not selling, you’re not a startup
Raise your hand if “sales” is your least favorite part of having a startup. Do sales meetings stress you out? Do you hate putting together proposals? Are you avoiding making a sales call right now? You’re not alone. But unless you start engaging in the selling process every day, you’re also not a startup. First,…