BarCamp ICR

  • BarcampICR taking place Saturday at Vault Coworking in Cedar Rapids

    Entrepreneurs, creatives, makers and doers from the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids (ICR*) region are gathering on Saturday for BarcampICR #2, an unconference where the attendees are the featured speakers. The event will go from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Vault Coworking & Collaboration Space in downtown Cedar Rapids. Barcamp, a grassroots conference produced by local…

  • With more than 100 attendees, inaugural BarCamp ICR a success

    The inaugural BarCamp ICR was held on Saturday at the Iowa City Public Library. We couldn’t have had a better event! We met over 100 attendees and our day was extended hours longer due to many more people wanting to talk than we could have imagined. Just three minutes after opening up the grid for…

  • BarCamp ICR is August 13 at the Iowa City Public Library

    BarCamp ICR, the unconference for the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids creative community, is officially scheduled for Saturday, August 13th at the Iowa City Public Library (123 South Linn Street, Iowa City, IA) from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. BarCamp ICR, first official meetup of, is your chance to share your brilliance with an eager audience…


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