
  • SPN interviews Impromptu Studio – coworking in Des Moines

    We received quite a bit of positive feedback and buzz regarding last weeks post about the coworking initiative here in Omaha. Thanks to everyone for your kind words of encouragement! It reminded us that a few weeks ago, Silicon Prairie News was in Des Moines and had the chance to interview Daniel Shipton of Impromptu…

  • The state of coworking in Omaha

    As many of you know, for some time it has been a goal of Jeff and I to open up a coworking facility in the Omaha area.  For those not familiar with the term, coworking is a concept where people can rent desks, and work in a shared/collaborative environment. The picture above shows one such…

  • Lincoln doing it right…

    Dusty Davidson and I had the opportunity to visit Turbine Flats in Lincoln this afternoon and they’ve got a good thing going. More to come soon on the visit, but we were both encouraged and motivated by what they’ve already accomplished and what we can do here to strengthen not only our city, but the…

  • Did you O!

    Guest post by Joe Frost: I was thinking about Omaha’s beautiful O! So Surprising campaign when I saw the recent blogpost by Tim Ferris and the picture he took while in Omaha. You have to check out the picture on his blog to get the full effect of “O!”. Do you think the chamber would…