Web developer, digital art director, social media manager and 20 more
We’re excited to bring you our 106th Opportunities on The Prairie today from all over the region. If you have an opportunity to add, please register your positions using our …
SPN interviews DOCCENTER team
We had the opporutnity to interview DOCCENTER, fresh from their return presenting at the DEMO Conference. For those of you unfamiliar with DEMO, the Conference attracts “the most-insightful media, the most-critical venture capitalists, the most-respected technology business development professionals, the most-connected corporate IT professionals, and the most-promising new technology companies in the world.” The interview with Todd…
Coming soon!
Still to come yet this week… Tomorrow we’ll be interviewing the team from DOCCENTER, fresh from their visit to the DEMO Conference. (Don’t forget to vote for them here: DOCCENTER on Killerstartups.com). It will be exciting to get Todd & the team’s feedback from the experience of the conference as well as find out what’s…
Keep the momentum going and head over to the following link to vote for DOCCENTER. The site is tracking those that will/won’t make it from the DEMO Conference last week. Vote for DOCCENTER at KillerStartups
Video: DOCCENTER at the DEMO Conference
As mentioned last week, Omaha’s DOCCENTER was fortunate enough to present at the DEMO conference in San Diego on Monday. In case you missed it, here’s the video of the presentation: Click here to see the original video Congrats to Sylvia, Todd & Tu and the folks at DOCCENTER!
Omaha’s DOCCENTER at DEMO Conference
* Updated: You should be able to access video of the demo at the following link on Tuesday morning: DOCCENTER at DEMO Exciting news about a local company, DOCCENTER. The team will be displaying this coming Monday at the DEMO Conference in San Diego. Check them out on Monday at 5:30 PM CST DOCCENTER is…