Guru Instruments

  • disRUPT: Omaha doctor invents ergonomic medical instruments

    If you underwent triple bypass heart surgery, you wouldn’t want your doctor’s hands to cramp, or lose his grip of an instrument. During an average surgery lasting two to four hours, surgeons not only suffer the consequences of standing in one place for an extended time, but also the occasional slippery scalpel handle. Guru Instruments…

  • Three teams compete at BioVenture 2009

    Ever hear about a company and think to yourself, “What was it like before they really hit it big?” I do. I’m always curious to hear about how a business started out. Fortunately for me, BioVenture 2009 had three such companies, all of which are just beginning to gain momentum. BioVentures, an event hosted by…

  • Public invited to Halo Institute open house

    Reflecting on the creation of the Halo Institute, Jim Esch said that he and his business partner, Nick Hudson, had a feeling that there was quite a bit of talent in Omaha. If they could provide these aspiring entrepreneurs with work space and guidance, it would increase their chances of success. Born this past summer:…