Add a bonus to your boring employee benefits plan
(Guest post by Josh Cramer.) Before you gouge your eyes out thinking I’m going to launch into a seminar on 401Ks or a rant on how screwed up our health care system is, let’s step back and consider another side of employee benefits. Sure, we offer a health care plan and IRA plan to our…
Prairie Moves: jTube, Shane Farritor, Levi Rosol and more
What is Prairie Moves? – Published Tuesdays and Thursdays, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post,…
Q&A: Josh Cramer on selling one company to take another next-level
After years of nurturing two companies and overseeing both as they grew side by side, Josh Cramer decided it was best for both of his babies to bid adieu to one. Cramer, 35, the founder of Iowa City-based shops Cramer Dev and Cramer IT, recently sold Cramer IT to focus on Cramer Dev, a decision…
PrairieCast with Amanda Styron, Josh Cramer and Tom Chapman (Video)
On this week’s PrairieCast Andy Brudtkuhl and booked guest Amanda Styron, co-founder of SeedHere in Cedar Rapids to talk about her upcoming “Cowtown to Boomtown” series of events. Instead of just Styron, we had surprise guests Josh Cramer …
Prairie Moves: Josh Cramer, Marcus Ross, Randomnade and more
Published every Tuesday, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please email editor@siliconprairienews.com. And if you…
PrairieCast Pull Quote: ‘Acquired 400 hats…from the Iowa Hat Lady’
This week on PrairieCast, Josh Cramer, founder of Iowa City-based Cramer Dev, talked about his company’s recent social experiment, “The Sweet Hat Club.” According to Cramer, The Sweet Hat Club idea was conceived by Colin Curtin, one of Cramer Dev’s software engineers, who mentioned over the company chat, “Hey, I’m starting a hat club …
PrairieCast with Josh Cramer and Jordan Lampe (Video)
This week on PrairieCast we were joined remotely by first time guest Josh Cramer founder of Cramer Dev of Iowa City and in-studio by returning guest Jordan Lampe, communications director for Dwolla. Articles discussed this week: “Big Omaha Video Series: Marc Eckō of Artists & Instigators,” “Clickstop, founder Guenther garner regional recognition,” “With …
PrairieCast: Live at 2 pm with Josh Cramer and Jordan Lampe
Tune in today at 2 p.m. CDT for Episode 42 of PrairieCast, for which we’ll be joined by guests Josh Cramer of Cramer Dev and Jordan Lampe of Dwolla. PrairieCast is a live podcast, recorded weekly, that features round table-style discussion of the top issues in startup culture and technology from …
PrairieCast: Live at 2 p.m. Tuesday with Josh Cramer and Jordan Lampe
Tune in Tuesday at 2 p.m. CDT for Episode 42 of PrairieCast, for which we’ll be joined by guests Josh Cramer (left) of Cramer Dev and Jordan Lampe of Dwolla. PrairieCast is a live podcast, recorded weekly, that features round table-style discussion of the top issues in startup culture and technology from across the Silicon…
Prairie Moves: Andrew Peters, The Foundary, Sojern & more
(Photo by Mark Michaelis via Flickr) Published every Tuesday, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post,…