Lean Lab extends relationship with inaugural class through school year
More than 140 members of the committee gathered earlier this month for the inaugural Demo Day for Kansas City urban education incubator The Lean Lab…
Lean Lab doesn’t have KC schools’ cure-all, but it’s ready for a demo day
Almost 70 percent of Kansas City students aren’t reading or performing math at grade level. How things got there is up for debate, but just about everyone agrees there isn’t a quick fix. That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for lots of small, meaningful solutions. Katie Boody and Carrie Markel, co-founders of The Lean Lab,…
Educators team up to create Lean Lab, change KC public school system
In the last 40 years, Kansas City Public Schools have seen 27 superintendents. The schools were under-performing across the board and then in 2012, ultimately lost their accreditation…