Mastercraft Advisors

  • Find Omaha’s free entrepreneurship education on YouTube

    More recurring educational events have popped up in Omaha over the past year, each providing entrepreneurs a different dose of advice for their startup or small business. Three groups—Mastercraft Advisors, AIM and Cornstalks—still have ongoing events, with plenty of opportunities ahead to learn about business aspects such as banking, raising money or marketing…

  • Five common myths about SBA loans

    (Sponsor post authored by Jeff Ash.) As of April 2013, the Small Business Administration had approved more than $9.4 billion in its flagship 7(a) loans for this fiscal year. The SBA is no small player when it comes to business lending, yet many potential borrowers think SBA loans signal desperation or are too burdensome or…

  • Fundamentals of business valuation

    (Sponsor post authored by Josh Weiss, CPA.) The value of a business is not something that you can look up or easily identify. The primary reason is that value is truly in the eye of the beholder. A business is effectively worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Not unlike many consumer goods,…

  • The cost of capital

    (Sponsor post authored by Bart Dillashaw.) At one of the recent Lunch & Learns put on by the Mastercraft Advisors, John Grose and Doug Sutko of First National Bank discussed the “cost of capital” of debt and equity. Entrepreneurs often fail to think about this concept as much as they should, and it is a…

  • Service providers with startups in mind set up shop in Mastercraft

    An alliance of four professional service providers – an intellectual property law firm, a corporate law firm, an accounting firm and a bank – have set up shop in The Mastercraft building in north downtown Omaha to cater to startups. “The idea is to be able to engage entrepreneurs, startups and the creative community so…