Live Undiscovered Music (LÜM) closes seed funding round
In May, Live Undiscovered Music, or LÜM received $750,000 in seed round funding. LÜM is a music streaming service that is based in Madison, Wisconsin. This platform is different than Spotify or Pandora because as the name suggests, it features music of artists who are undiscovered. LÜM’s steaming service is unique because its platform…
HomeDitty makes it easier for music fans to book house concerts
More and more movie fans are opting to wait a few months to stream a film at home, rather than making the trek to a theater. Live music enthusiasts don’t have quite the same options, but some do opt to host concerts in the comfort of their homes, rather than spending a late night out…
MusicSpoke joins Prosper Women Entrepreneurs accelerator in St. Louis
Lincoln based MusicSpoke has announced that it will take part in the Prosper Women Entrepreneurs Startup Accelerator in St. Louis, Missouri, this fall. Jennifer Rosenblatt, CEO and co-founder, will participate in the three-month intensive program designed specifically for women looking to grow their businesses. Rosenblatt credits a Silicon Prairie News story about mobile content publishing company…
Gear Supply Co. offers the ultimate subscription box for guitar lovers
The light bulb came on for Joshua Koterba in a parking lot outside a music store in Florida. Koterba is the CEO of Gear Supply Company, one of this year’s startups in the NMotion Accelerator program. He is also a guitar player who was getting frustrated by his favorite brick and mortar music store. “They…
EarMashin connects you to friends, concerts and tickets in real time
EarMashin moved from Los Angeles to Iowa City to reinvent their new music discovery platform. “[Moving] wasn’t actually that big of a challenge for us,” says Ash Naguib, one of Earmashin’s founders. “We met a lot of great people here, and we actually found out that there’s a pretty big music community [in Iowa], so it’s been helpful.”…
With COMP’D, you can subscribe to unlimited concerts
Every great rock ’n’ roll story starts with a man living in his parents’ basement. For Dustin Trauernicht, the founder of the online platform COMP’D, his journey into the music industry began selling t-shirts out of his parents basement for a music blog based in Nashville, Tennessee. “I started out marketing for a t-shirt company,…
Is MusicSpoke ready for funding?
When Jennifer Rosenblatt and Kurt Knecht of MusicSpoke completed the NMotion accelerator program last summer, they were adamant about not raising money. “I’ve said it often, ‘I’m not going to raise money for the sake of raising money.'”