
  • Introducing the 13 most read Silicon Prairie News stories of 2013

    In the past we’ve written “top stories of the year” posts based on what our editorial team deemed the most important news of the year. This time we turn that tradition on its head and focused on the numbers. What follows is a look at our 13 most read stories over the last 12 months—chosen…

  • Tong moving to NYC for new job, but won’t abandon KC startup scene

    Albert Tong’s career path is a mix of skill and serendipity. Out of college at the University of Michigan, he fell into a job that combined his two passions—computers and health. The Detroit area-native found himself at Cerner, the Kansas City-based health IT company, in 2005…

  • Timeline shows Sprint-Handmark relationship traces back to 2005

    Earlier today, we reported Sprint acquired Handmark and its subsidiary, OneLouder. But we haven’t been along for the entire journey like the Kansas City Business Journal. Reporter Alyson Raletz put together a timeline showing how the deal coalesced, including the fact it took almost four months …

  • Sprint acquires homegrown Handmark, OneLouder

    Sprint didn’t have to call long distance to acquire app developer Handmark and its social and mobile advertising subsidiary OneLouder. The 13-year-old company is based about 20 miles north of Sprint’s headquarters in Overland Park, Kan. The telecom giant today announced the move, one it says it made in an effort to boost its advertising…

  • OneLouder releases Live 140, a curated guide to TV-related tweets

    For a segment of television viewers, the Twitter conversation about what’s on TV has become entertainment equal to — or greater than, some would argue — the television programming that inspires it. Take, for instance, the presidential debate on Oct. 22: During the 90-minute event, debate-related conversation accounted for some 6.5 million tweets, including more…

  • Gig Bits: Global roundtable Tuesday, digital divide conversation continues

    With ample Google Fiber news — like last week’s announcement of the order that Kansas City’s 180 fiberhoods will receive service — coming straight from the source in recent weeks, it has been some time since we checked on the ad hoc efforts surrounding the arrival of Google’s ultra high-speed internet service in Kansas City.…

  • Prairie Portrait: Ashwin Shashindranath of OneLouder

    Silicon Prairie News: As a former TweetCaster product manager, what factors would you say led to the app’s explosive growth? | Aswin Shashindranath: There were three primary factors that contributed to the app’s growth, the first being the increased number of smartphones launched with Android OS, second being Twitter becoming more mainstream and finally frequent…

  • Handmark founder Augie Grasis reflects on life, work in KC (Video)

    Silicon Prairie News has occasionally chronicled the work of Kansas City, Mo. application developer Handmark and regularly reports on the exploits of Handmark’s social media app spinoff, OneLouder. (In fact, we published a story on OneLouder’s latest offering, Slices, just last week.) We’ve had less frequent opportunity to report on the man …

  • OneLouder aims to help users cut through Twitter noise with Slices

    Topping out at 140 characters, a singular tweet is seldom a deafening thing. But when a Twitter feed is crowded with the cacophony of tweet after tweet after tweet after tweet — with no two tweets about the same subject — it can get a tad noisy. Now, OneLouder believes it has just the thing…

  • So… much… Madness! Prairie companies get in on tourney fun

    The start of the NCAA Basketball Tournament means a two-day epidemic of anemic workplace productivity. Across the U.S. today and Friday, water cooler conversations will linger longer than normal and browser windows will mysteriously disappear when bosses approach. But a handful of Silicon Prairie companies are readily embracing the Madness of March, seizing …


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