Peter Cales

  • ORGANISM grows in Empty Room through Nov. 28

    The last installation in Empty Room at 13th and Webster (the Saddle Creek complex) is up and running with only a couple weeks left of poetry readings and chair building. Poet Matt Mason collaborated with furniture makers Peter Cales and Doug Kiser to create ORGANISM: A Festival of Words & Building. Dominating the room is…

  • Five in Five with Peter Cales from Peter Cales Handmade

    Name: Peter Cales Full-time job and title: Program Specialist, ServeNebraska; for the purposes of the blog post, I’d call myself owner and proprietor of MeasureCutCut studios, my woodworking shop City you’re blogging from: Omaha, mostly, but wherever I happen to be Name, subject and URL of your blog: Peter Cales Handmade:; I also operate:…