RDQLUS Creative

  • Prairie Moves: Adam Coomes, Karissa Tomsen, Doug Sisk and more

    Published Tuesdays and Thursdays (one day late this week), Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post,…

  • Prairie Moves: Sam Wilken, Local Hero Design, Locusic and more

    Published Tuesdays and Thursdays, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please email editor@siliconprairienews.com. And if…

  • Startup Spaces: CAMP Coworking, Omaha’s first coworking space

    School’s out, but CAMP is in session. Last week, we ran an update on the progress Omaha’s CAMP Coworking (1111 North 13th St.) experienced in its first year. Today, we want to provide a visual of the collaborative workspace. Megan Hunt, the owner of CAMP, recently said via Twitter, “Someday I want to tell the…

  • Prairie Moves: Dan Young, Hillary Brown, Chad Stansbury & more

    (Photo by ActiveSteve via Flickr.) Published every Tuesday, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please…

  • Prairie Moves: Tripleseat, TAI, New BLK & more

    Published every Tuesday, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development, and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News. If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please email info@siliconprairienews.com.

  • Megan Hunt & Eric Downs set to open CAMP coworking space

    Being self-employed, Megan Hunt and Eric Downs began businesses within the comfort of their own homes. Hunt – a bridal designer, blogger and best friend – started her vintage felt and button design company Princess Lasertron out of a floor-to-ceiling windows apartment in a renovated high school. She then transported her business into an 8-foot-8…

  • Steve Gordon of RDQLUS Creative shares his passion and vision

    Steve Gordon of RDQLUS Creative is another one of the region’s amazing designers whose level of energy matches his creativity and unique design. I had an opportunity to catch up with the man on the move and talk with him about what fuels his inspiration as well as why he loves calling Omaha home.

  • Two great stories from the Twittersphere

    In celebration of #FollowFriday, here’s a couple of great tweets (and twitterers) from this past week. If you’re from Omaha, you probably recognize Koterba’s name from the Omaha World Herald’s editorial cartoons, and if you watch the video you’ll recognize quite a few of the spots. You can watch it at http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8493752. I was excited…