Silicon Prairie Awards Finalists

  • Get to know the five finalists for Best Creation

    This Silicon Prairie Award goes to an incredible project—marketing campaign, physical product, hardware, app, website, anything—that innovates or re-imagines. And the finalists are…

  • Get to know the five finalists for New Startup of the Year

    This award is for the young’n that has, within the last year, grown from idea to full-fledged force somewhere on the Silicon Prairie. And the finalists are…

  • Get to know the five finalists for Startup of the Year

    This is the one everyone’s talking about. They’re making headlines, headed toward long-term success. And the finalists are…

  • Drum roll, please… Here are all 56 Silicon Prairie Awards finalists

    Drum roll, please… Here are all 56 Silicon Prairie Awards finalists

    It won’t be long till we’re all looking elegant and dapper August 21 at Midland Theatre in Kansas City, celebrating another year of growth and success across the region at the Silicon Prairie Awards. We’ve seen unique story lines unfold in our three core regions…

  • Meet the 8 Innovation and Mobile App of the Year finalists

    Each year we’re blown away by the big ideas Silicon Prairie companies think up and the dreams they’re able to turn into realities. The eight finalists for Innovation and Mobile App of the Year have their finger on the pulse of the “next big thing” and have all proved themselves worthy of recognition for the…

  • Get to know the 8 finalists for Silicon Prairie Champion and Ambassador

    In any community there are individuals who go above and beyond. Those who put in countless extra hours, can always offer up advice with a smile and never seem to stop working to improve things. They’re our community champions and ambassadors—and in the Silicon Prairie, we’ve got some of the best. All of those nominated…

  • Meet our 8 finalists for Technologist and Designer of the Year

    They’re the ones picking apart every little detail. Looking at white space or code into the wee hours of the morning. They’re the designers and technologists who make the products startups create engaging and functional. The eight below are among the best we have in the Midwest …

  • Vote for Silicon Prairie’s Executive and Student Entrepreneur of the Year

    Initially startup executives and student entrepreneurs might seem like an unusual pairing. But the more we thought about it, the more sense they made together in one post. From one end of the spectrum to the other, all of these finalists have done incredible work, regardless of career stage. In many ways, the students have…

  • Meet the 8 finalists for Investor and Service Provider of the Year

    Investors and service providers are the behind-the-scenes players that make it possible for startups to grow their businesses. The eight finalists in contention for Investor and Service Provider of the Year range from a husband-and-wife team making angel investments to a software development company so far behind the scenes that it hasn’t gotten around to…

  • Meet the 8 companies competing for Startup and New Startup of the Year

    In less than two weeks our community will come together to celebrate some of the Silicon Prairie’s best and brighest, but we’d be lost without the region’s inspiring startups. Each of the companies named as finalists for Startup of the Year and New Startup of the Year has been selected for its progress over the…