Silicon Prairie Awards

  • Everything you need to know for tomorrow’s Silicon Prairie Awards

    Everything you need to know for tomorrow’s Silicon Prairie Awards

    We’re just over 24 hours away from the third annual Silicon Prairie Awards where we will celebrate the best of the Silicon Prairie with all of you in Kansas City. Here’s everything you need to know before attending the Awards.

  • Catch a ride to the Silicon Prairie Awards Thursday with these groups

    Catch a ride to the Silicon Prairie Awards Thursday with these groups

    We’re getting so close to the Silicon Prairie Awards that we can almost feel the weight of those Golden Analogs in our hands. But we’d have nothing to celebrate and no one to pass those Analogs off to if it wasn’t for the tremendous support we receive from our communities. We helped organize a bus…

  • Overdress for the Silicon Prairie Awards and you could win Big

    Overdress for the Silicon Prairie Awards and you could win Big

    Once a year, we all leave the T-shirts, flip flops and smell-test jeans behind and step up our games to look ravishing and dapper among our peers. Fake it till you make it, right? It’s the Silicon Prairie Awards, and you make it look really good.

  • Meet our eight-member Silicon Prairie Awards Selection Committee

    Meet our eight-member Silicon Prairie Awards Selection Committee

    As a community, you’ve done your part to tell us who you think should be crowned the winners of the 2014 Silicon Prairie Awards. But now it’s time to share who will make up the second part of our voting process. This year we’ve incorporated the votes of two judges from each section of our…

  • Stop, collaborate and rejoice with your Silicon Prairie neighbors Aug. 21

    Stop, collaborate and rejoice with your Silicon Prairie neighbors Aug. 21

    This is your heads up before August 21 rolls around and you’re left wondering where everyone in your co-working space or office has gone. It’s hard to pull entrepreneurs away from their work—passions, really—and get them all in one place, let alone a different city. But the results typically are incredible. Add in a passion…

  • Which startup has the Best Culture? Vote now!

    Which startup has the Best Culture? Vote now!

    It’s our first year taking note of the vibrant, talented teams in our midst. The ones that somehow have an abundance of fun while also getting results. They made it this far, now they need your vote to deem them the best place to joyfully lug long hours.

  • Get to know the six finalists for Silicon Prairie Champion

    Get to know the six finalists for Silicon Prairie Champion

    While entrepreneurs are hard at work building, this individual or company selflessly gives time to advancing their startup community. And the finalists are…

  • Get to know the five finalists for Service Provider of the Year

    This lawyer, accountant, marketer or other service provider made things happen for startups, simple as that. And the finalists are…

  • Get to know the five finalists for Investor of the Year

    They don’t just provide funding. They brag about their companies and connect them to the people who will make things happen. And the finalists are…

  • Get to know the five finalists for Student Entrepreneur of the Year

    This student or student-led company—undergrad or younger—is getting noticed and makes everyone question what they did at that age, either by building a company or leading entrepreneurial activity. And the finalists are…