Special Series: ‘Talent and Innovation Initiative’ – Angel Tax Credit Act
(Editor’s Note: In this four-part series, Tom Chapman breaks down four bills that are a part of Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman’s “Talent and Innovation Initiative.”) The new Nebraska Angel Investment Tax Credit Act would create Nebraska’s first angel investment tax credit for investments of more than $25,000 for qualified individuals and $50,000 for qualified funds.…
Special Series: ‘Talent and Innovation Initiative’ – Site & Building Dev. Act
(Editor’s Note: In this four-part series, Tom Chapman breaks down four bills that are a part of Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman’s “Talent and Innovation Initiative.”) This bill will set aside $3 million for the development of industrial, business and commercial sites. It allows for numerous uses of the money including demolition, infrastructure, construction and renovation/rehabilitation…
Special Series: ‘Talent and Innovation Initiative’ – Business Innovation Act
(Editor’s Note: In this four-part series, Tom Chapman breaks down four bills that are a part of Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman’s “Talent and Innovation Initiative.”) The purpose of LB 387 is to encourage and support the transfer of technology and innovation to create high growth, high tech companies in the state. There are essentially six…
Special Series: ‘Talent and Innovation Initiative’ – Internship Bill
(Editor’s Note: In this four-part series, Tom Chapman breaks down four bills that are a part of Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman’s “Talent and Innovation Initiative.”) The Nebraska Internship Bill provides a matching grant to private, for-profit employers who add internship jobs that did not exist prior to the program. The goal of the program is…