Editor’s Note: Earlier today Tom Chapman of the Omaha Chamber popped in the Silicon Prairie News office unannounced. “What’s up?” we asked. “I wanted to stop by to share some news with you,” Tom told us. This wasn’t the first time this scenario had played out, and when it does it usually involves something exciting in the community – an upcoming launch, a new funding or a completed acquisition.
Today, it wasn’t any of the above. And instead of sharing news with us about one of the hundreds of companies or individuals he works with through his role at the Chamber, he shared personal news with us – not too common for a selfless and humble guy. And it was good news. And bad — well, not really all that bad. Tom told us he would be leaving the Chamber for an opportunity with Nebraska Global, a venture capital firm which officially opened its doors in Lincoln, Nebraska in late 2010.
The good: Nebraska Global has a bright future ahead of it, and with Tom on board, it only gets brighter. The (kind of) bad: The Chamber has lost one of its greatest champions for entrepreneurship. But not totally. As you’ll read below, Tom’s position will not only remain but there’s plans to strengthen it.
As part of an organization that works closely with Tom, from co-organizing events to being on the recieving end of event and blog sponsorship, it’s bittersweet to see him depart the Chamber. But we couldn’t be more excited for him and we wish him the very best in his next endeavor.
Without further ado, below you’ll find a personal letter from Tom Chapman to Silicon Prairie community.
– Danny Schreiber, Managing Editor
The following is guest post by Tom Chapman, currently the director of entrepreneurship and innovation at the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Tom can be found on Twitter, @tchap623, or reached by email at tchapman@omahachamber.org.
Sometimes it is really hard to leave something that is comfortable that you like. But, making a choice for something even better, must be done. I am leaving the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce on August 26th. I have really enjoyed working at the Chamber. I like the people. I like the work. I have loved working directly with many of you.
However, I am a builder and the opportunity presented by Nebraska Global to become an instrumental part of doing something AWESOME and impactful for our community is a powerful draw for me. Thus, when they expressed their interest in me, it was hard not to listen. And in fact, the opportunity that they have presented to me – is right up my alley and is just the sort of opportunity at which I can excel. [I also plan to write for Silicon Prairie News during the transition and beyond so maybe I can share some insight into transitions and change also.]
I am leaving the Chamber. But, the Chamber is not leaving entrepreneurship and innovation. In fact, I have known for a bit and have had numerous conversations with the organization about how to “kick it up a notch.” So if you have ideas, please let me or the organization know. It’s exciting to think about the next phase for the entrepreneurship efforts at this organization (and in some ways the region), and we’d love to share the Chamber’s views and things that we think are really exciting for the future.
The reality is that now is as good a time as any for a transition for our organization. It is also a great time to consider where we have been and where we are.
- In 2007, there were zero active angel groups and venture capital groups in the region. Today there are millions of dollars raised in funds, tens (if not hundreds) of active angels, and many mechanisms for raising early stage money for entrepreneurs. And this money is going to work, in 2010, more than $33 million was deployed as risk capital into startups.
- In 2007, there were a handful of exciting companies in the region. Today there are many tens (if not hundreds) of companies pursuing scalable businesses with exciting opportunities. Since the beginning of last year alone more than 30 companies have received startup risk capital in the Omaha region.
- In 2007, entrepreneurship was un-buzzworthy in Omaha. Now, Omaha is being discussed as the next exciting entrepreneurial hub in the U.S. Exciting things are happening here. National and international press is coming to hear about Omaha’s exciting entrepreneurial companies and ecosystem.
These successes have many mothers and many fathers. While the Chamber deserves some credit for the region’s successes as either a mother or a father (whichever you prefer) … there is plenty of room for a lot of people to take credit for their little or big roles in the success that has been built so far. Clearly, companies, like Silicon Prairie News, the University of Nebraska System, TreeTop Ventures, Nebraska Global, Dundee Venture Capital, Scott Technology Center, Creighton University, Turbine Flats – deserve lots of credit, but there is still plenty more to be shared. So please share the praise.
However, I would simply say that most of the credit should remain with the entrepreneurs. Their efforts are the reason that something like my job can succeed. And, meeting entrepreneurs has been the most interesting part of my job at the Chamber and it has been an incredibly powerful testament to the power of people to create, nurture, grow and excel. So, thank you for letting me help and bear witness to the power of people.
This story is not fully told. There is still a lot of work to be done in Omaha and in the region. That’s why I am so excited about my new opportunity and about our opportunity as a Silicon Prairie community to keep building something great. Please join me and thank all of the people, particularly the entrepreneurs and innovators, who are already doing awesome stuff here now.
And now, let’s go build something even cooler together.