Robert Scoble of building43 talks video editing with Agile Sports

We are excited to share the interview that Robert Scoble of building43 conducted with Agile Sports’ CTO, Brian Kaiser, while he was in town last month for Big Omaha. The Agile Sports team continues to crank out some amazing work from Lincoln, and we are excited to continue sharing their successes with a broader community.…

We are excited to share the interview that Robert Scoble of building43 conducted with Agile Sports‘ CTO Brian Kaiser while both of them were in town last month for Big Omaha.

The Agile Sports team continues to crank out some amazing work from Lincoln, and we are excited to continue sharing their successes with a broader community. This video is a continuation in what will surely be even more exciting highlights to come in the next several months and beyond!

Enjoy the interview, and make sure to reach out and tell Agile Sports “congratulations,” and Scoble “thanks” for coming in and highlighting the team!


Videos Post-Game Analysis Made Easy with Agile Sports

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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