Every day I comb through my Google Reader reading sites like Hacker News and others, and star articles that are especially interesting about startups, entrepreneurship and miscellany. These are some of my favorites:
- Why Working at a Startup Company Rocks (jpuopolo.com)
- The only wrong answer is 50/50: Calculating the co-founder equity split (geekwire.com)
- Startup Myth Busting: Marc Andreessen and Steve Blank Edition (thoughtsonconsumerweb.com)
- Why I wake up at 5AM – The value of purposeless moments (elleluna.com)
- Joel Spolsky: Lunch (joelonsoftware.com)
- Don’t be an idiot. Find a great startup advisor. (humbledmba.com)
- Every startup is not a startup: Ideas, Startups and In-Betweens (64notes.com)
- How Fog Creek learned to do sales part 2 (blog.fogcreek.com)
- Why 30 year old entrepreneurs are not over the hill (ycreject.com)
- How to set up reference checks (blog.simeonov.com)
- Video: Eric Ries – The Lean Startup (ontwik.com)
- Finding a great startup advisor (swombat.com)
- Don’t hate on VCs… (informationarbitrage.com)
- Getting to 1000 Users is the Easy Part, Keeping Them is the Hard Part (jaredbrown.me)
- Co-Founding a Startup (benbloch.posterous.com)
- Anatomy of a $1M Seed Round (www.slideshare.net)
- Lessons Netflix Learned from the AWS Outage (techblog.netflix.com)
- Guy Kawasaki on startup metrics, mistakes, and enchantment (thestartupfoundry.com)
- How to negotiate effectively. (www.korokithakis.net)
- Dear Co-Founder (64notes.com)
If you have any startup-related links you’d like to share, shoot me a note!