What is Prairie Moves?
Published Tuesdays and Fridays, Prairie Moves keeps our readers informed about career moves, media coverage, product development and more from the companies and individuals we cover on Silicon Prairie News.
If you or your company would like to submit one of the items below for our next Prairie Moves post, please email editor@siliconprairienews.com. And if you have suggestions on how we could improve these posts or any of our coverage, please contact danny@siliconprairienews.com.
Mergers & Acquisitions
- Hallmark Cards (Kansas City, Mo.) acquired online video startup SpiritClips (Los Angeles) – Press Release, TechCrunch, Kansas City Star, Kansas City Business Journal and SPN
Career Moves
- Josh Harbert, formerly Senior Director of Marketing for Apptio, joined Front Flip as Chief Marketing Officer
- Erica Birkman joined RareWire (Kansas City) – twitter.com/rarewire
- Jim Howard and Jason Mead joined Dwolla (Des Moines) as Builders
New Tech
- Omaha Happy Hours released its mobile app – Apple App Store
New Creative
- Iowa State University (Ames, Iowa) and Flying Hippo Web Technologies (Des Moines) released Cyclone Life – cyclonelife.com and Des Moines Egotists
- M Krell (Omaha), in conjunction with Lukas Partners (Omaha), created a landing page for Nebraskans for Peace – savepineridge.com
Product/Business Development and Milestones
- Proxibid (Omaha) and AuctionServices.com (Roanoke, Va.) entered into a strategic partnership marking the beginning of the construction of Auctions Everywhere, a tool that will aim to increase the ease at which auction-goers around the world find auctions online and offline – Press Release and eCommerce Bytes
- Syncbak (Marion, Iowa) brought on network and syndication veteran Ed Wilson to its Board of Directors – Press Release
- LiveOn (Kansas City) – Kansas City Star: “Services aim to preserve legacies in the digital afterlife“
- eDossea (Des Moines) – MedCity: “eDossea the latest to take electronic dental record sharing to the cloud“
- Tim Siedell, aka @BadBanana (Lincoln) – The Nerdist: “Big Pop Fun: Tim Siedell, Twitter God“
- Mike Farmer of Leap2 (Kansas City) – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: “Lally Alum Making Waves in Washington“
- AgLocal (Overland Park, Kan.) and Leap2 (Kansas City) – Business Insider: “Some Apps That Silicon Valley Startup Founders Can’t Live Without“
- Source Trivia (Des Moines) – Des Moines Register: “Trivia application enhances music experience at events“
- Dwolla (Des Moines) – TheNextWeb: “Breakfast of Champions: Meet the man known as FAKEGRIMLOCK“
- Brent Beshore of AdVentures (Columbia, Mo.) – Under 30 CEO: “Video: What I Wish I Knew When I Was 22“
- Archrival (Lincoln, Neb.) – Digitally Approved: “Red Bull Facebook Timeline Timewarp“
- Omaha World-Herald: “Angel investors try their wings“
- Des Moines Register: “U.S. data chief rolls out plan for nation’s info systems“
- StartupCity Des Moines: “US CIO visits StartupCity“
Gig Bits
Gig Bits is an occasional feature keeping our readers up to speed on Google Fiber. Read Gig Bits.
- Kansas City Star: “Google project could widen gap in Kansas City between computer haves and have nots“
- Google Fiber blog: “A different kind of fiber“
- Zapier (Columbia, Mo.): “Zapier: from MVP to Version 1.0“
- Proxibid (Omaha) is a finalist of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce’ Innovator of the Year award – Omaha Wolrd-Herald
- The Missouri House has approved legislation offering tax credits to millionaires who invest in startup businesses – Associated Press
- SPN: “April Fools: Google Fiber Bar, Iowa Foxconn plant and a new ‘Lab’ “
- SecretPenguin (Omaha): “Introducing Meow Mail“
- Ben Milne (Dwolla) will be speaking at the Future of Money & Technology in April – futureofmoney.com
- Tickets for iKC, an event from the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and Think Big Kansas City, went on sale – ikc2012.eventbrite.com
- Des Moines Register: “Profile: Entrepreneur Draper is ‘a scary genius’ “
- Maker Faire: Kansas City’s Call for Makers has been extended through April 30 – Maker Faire blog
- Contemporary Analysis (Omaha) will celebrate its fourth year in business with a party on April 18 – Contemporary Analysis blog
- Meredith Video Studios (Des Moines) to launch “Digs” channel on YouTube – Press Release
Credits: Photo by Björn Manfred Kraus via Flickr