Big Omaha begins May 9 with a party presented by Kauffman Foundation

We’re kicking off Big Omaha 2012 with the biggest welcoming bash we’ve ever had. Open to the public, the party begins at 8 p.m. at The Slowdown, a rock club and bar located in Omaha’s emerging North Downtown district, on Wednesday, May 9. Attendees, this is the first time you’ll meet one another and have…

Get down to business and start Big Omaha 2012 off right at 8 p.m. on May 9 at the opening party. 

We’re kicking off Big Omaha 2012 with the biggest welcoming bash we’ve ever had. Open to the public, the party begins at 8 p.m. at The Slowdown, a rock club and bar located in Omaha’s emerging North Downtown district, on Wednesday, May 9.

Attendees, this is the first time you’ll meet one another and have an opportunity to pick up your Big Omaha bling – lanyards and badges – and put some names and faces together with the folks you’ll be spending the next two and half days with.

For non-Big Omaha badge holders, this is an awesome time to meet attendees coming in from across the nation. As with past years, we expect to see conversations and connections happen here that lead to future collaboration.

DJ Tres Johnson of Omaha with be throwing down our opening party beats, but we’ll be sure to keep it noise at a networking level. And for all those beat-masters out there, you’ll even have a chance to step up and show your skills in the Big Omaha 2012 room, a product of 2012 speaker, Seth Goldstein the co-founder of

Big Omaha Opening Bash with the Kauffman Foundation

When: Wednesday, May 9, 8 p.m.

Where: The Slowdown (729 N 14th Street)

Who: Big Omaha attendees and the greater Silicon Prairie community (open to the public)

How much? Free if Big Omaha badge holder, $5 at door for non-badge holders or free with RSVP


Like Big Omaha opening parties in past years, expect a photo booth to capture the memories (and silliness) with your new friends.

The Kauffman Foundation, our premier sponsor of Big Omaha 2012, is a global leader in the research and development of entrepreneurial economies. Through their role with Big Omaha, Kauffman helps challenge the community to think about what they’re passionate about and how they can change the world and impact others. Pretty sure they’ll be doing this from the very start of Big Omaha this year kicking off all the action at this party. Make sure you join us and get ready to party.


RSVP to the Big Omaha Opening Bash


Credits: Photos by Malone & Company / Big Omaha

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