Prairie Portraits is a weekly set of questions intended to help the community get to know someone from the Silicon Prairie startup scene a little bit better. Prairie Portraits feature a fixed set of questions ranging from career background and personal perferences to, perhaps, off-the-wall questions on YouTube videos and entrance music.
Katie Condon and her boyfriend, Scott, attended the 2012 NBA Finals in Oklahoma City.
Name: Katie Condon
Title/Occupation: Designer at MindMixer
Age: 26
Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
Current city: Omaha, Nebraska
Twitter: @KatieACondon
Title of my autobiography: “Confessions of an Awkward Girl: Am I Doing This Right?”
Thing I can’t live without: Cereal and a Sharpie Pen + scrap paper
Drink of choice: Moscow Mule or green tea
Last book I read: The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero
Ultimate road trip snack: Pringles
Entrance song if I was a wrestler: The Space Jam Theme Song
Celebrity doppelgänger: That’s really tough. I’ve been told Rose Byrne from Damages (and Bridesmaids fame).
Guilty pleasure film: Pitch Perfect—seriously, how do they make all those sounds with just their mouths?! It baffles me.
Chosen career in an alternate reality: Meditation guru
Worst OCD tendency: Making sure my car is locked
Quote I might have said: “Silence is better than bullshit.”
Which actor or actress, and why: Amy Poehler. Leslie Knope for president!
Favorite YouTube video: I’m a sucker for animal videos. Here’s my favorite right now. (It involves squirrels).
Best place in Omaha no one knows about: The Mastercraft Building. No one seems to know that this little gem is here in North Downtown and full of creative startups.
Omaha’s obligatory tourist stop: The Henry Doorly Zoo and the Gene Leahy Mall
One thing Omaha has that other Silicon Prairie cities don’t: A booming music scene
Best thing going for Omaha’s startup community: The incredible amount of collaboration and support.
Last local restaurant I ate at: Dundee Dell
Best meal I’ve had in Omaha: Plum Creek Farm chicken at Lot 2 or literally anything at Block 16.
Omaha would be better if… we had better public transportation.
The Startup Scene
Social media pet peeve: #Pointless #hashtags
App I’m obsessed with: QuizUp—Great design mixed with an endless amount of trivia.
Silicon Prairie startup crush: Flywheel—I love their branding.
Most comfortable startup T-shirt I own: I guess I haven’t jumped on the T-shirt train…
Something most people don’t know about me: I have a completely irrational fear of my tires falling off while I’m driving.
Entrepreneur I most want to grab a drink with: Drew Davies of Oxide Design
I do what I do because… I get to help people collaborate with their community and have a voice in the things they really care about.
Before I was in startups… I was an art student.
If money wasn’t an object, my next company would be… a boutique shop selling refinished furniture and paper goods.
The Silicon Prairie startup scene is missing… lady developers.
In five years, I’ll… be working with awesome people to create awesome things.
In five years, the Silicon Prairie… will be growing startups into mature businesses.
Credits: Photos courtesy of Katie Condon.