When it comes to number-crunching, these 10 cities have got it nailed.
Now, as many of you bristle and prepare to send declarations of nerdiness on behalf of your own city, keep in mind the following: all rankings presented in this list are based solely on a single dataset, i.e., the ratio of STEM graduates to the total population. Therefore, the list is skewed heavily towards college towns, which, in general, have relatively low permanent populations and very high numbers of STEM graduates.
10. Lincoln, NE
9. Bloomington-Normal, IL
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8. Springfield, IL
7. Madison, WI
6. Iowa City, IA
5. Lawrence, KS
4. Columbia, MO
3. Manhattan, KS
2. Champaign-Urbana, IL
1. Ames, IA
James Chapman is a contributor to Silicon Prairie News.