Thinc Iowa Video Series: Ben Silbermann of Pinterest

First up in our Video Series: Ben Silberman, co-founder of Pinterest, an online pinboard site that gives its users a place to discover new things handpicked by other users. In his talk, Silbermann shared the story of his journey to entrepreneurship, the story of co-founding Pinterest and a few things that are inspirational to him…

Recorded Friday, October 21. This is the Livestream version, look for the final cut from Event 1 Video to be published in the coming weeks.

The inaugural Thinc Iowa conference provided an arena for conversation on the common ground between established corporations and startups. Nine speakers, ranging from the founder of a new payments network to the chairman of a worldwide advertising network, took the stage Friday at the Temple for Performing Arts in downtown Des Moines to contribute to that conversation.

To be timely, we’re releasing the entire Thinc Iowa Video Series this week as recorded via Livestream. Thanks to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, a Kansas City-based foundation that works to harness the power of entrepreneurship and innovation, for sponsoring the Livestream and Video Series, and to our video and post-production team made up of Event1 Video and EvolveLook for the final cut from Event 1 Video to be published in the coming weeks.


First up in our Video Series: Ben Silberman, co-founder of Pinterest, an online pinboard site that gives its users a place to discover new things handpicked by other users.

In his talk, Silbermann shared the story of his journey to entrepreneurship, the story of co-founding Pinterest and a few things that are inspirational to him and his team as they build out their product.

“I was fascinated by the fact that so many people collect things,” Silbermann said.

He continued: “So, November 20, 2009, me, my friend Paul, who I went to college with, and my friend Evan, who was at the time in grad school in architecture, set out and we said, ‘Look, what if we put collections online? What would that look like and why would that be cool?’ “

Read our recap:Ben Silbermann on inspiring ‘the confidence to do things that you would never do’

About Thinc Iowa and Big Omaha, our two premier events:

Thinc Iowa, a Silicon Prairie News premier event, is held each October to provide a common ground for startups and corporations to explore partnerships, examine innovation and share lessons learned. Visit to learn more.

Big Omaha, a Silicon Prairie News premier event, is held each May to inspire, educate and connect entrepreneurs, especially those with an interest in the tech industry. Visit to learn more.

This story is part of the AIM Archive

This story is part of the AIM Institute Archive on Silicon Prairie News. AIM gifted SPN to the Nebraska Journalism Trust in January 2023. Learn more about SPN’s origin »

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One response to “Thinc Iowa Video Series: Ben Silbermann of Pinterest”

  1. […] Pinterest Founder Ben Silbermann Shares His Story & Talks Pinterest [Video] – In this 30 minute presentation, Ben Silbermann talks about his story and why he started […]


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