
  • Five Things: Responsible artificial intelligence and the future of business

    Five Things: Responsible artificial intelligence and the future of business

    The director of the Responsible AI and Human-Centered Technology organization in Google Research visited Omaha to share her perspective on responsible model evaluation, harm mitigation techniques and the future of work.

  • Google surprises KC teachers, funds all projects

    Google surprises KC teachers, funds all projects

    It was a day of surprises for a lot of Kansas City teachers and their students—good surprises. Google announced it would “flash fund” all the projects in the greater metro.

  • Hallmark Cards greets Google vice president to its board of directors

    Hallmark Cards sent a note out Wednesday greeting Claire Hughes Johnson, vice president at Google, to its board of directors. She leads Offers, which connects businesses with relevant customers looking for deals, and before that led the Gmail, Checkout and Apps teams since joining Google in 2004. “We all strive to connect with those around…

  • Take a stroll through Ben Barreth’s Hacker House in Kansas City

    Homes for Hackers founder Ben Barreth (above right, in cardboard cutout form) recently opened up the pad with the help of Google Street View Business Photos. The Hacker House rents space to developers, providing access to high-speed Google Fiber (and complementary towels, among other things) in the Kansas City Startup Village …

  • Meet the region’s Doodle 4 Google 2013 winners

    An eighth grader from the Des Moines suburb of Urandale was named the Iowa winner of the 2013 Doodle 4 Google competition. The design made by Marissa Frost, a student at Urbandale Middle School, will be displayed in the American Museum of Natural History. Her doodle will compete for a chance…

  • As Facebook data center details emerge, Google grabs headlines, too

    Data centers in Iowa are dominating headlines this week as Facebook on Monday announced its intention to build a facility in Altoona and the next day the State of Iowa revealed Google is expanding its existing project in Council Bluffs. The immediate costs of these two projects is expected to reach nearly $700 million, creating…

  • Iowa part of inaugural Google for Entrepreneurs Week

    Google on Monday announced Google for Entrepreneurs, an umbrella effort of its programs and partnerships that support startups and entrepreneurs around the world. To kick off this effort, the internet giant Sunday began hosting its first annual Google for Entrepreneurs Week, 33 events across 13 countries. Among those events is a Google tools and products…

  • Google plans to wire 180 fiberhoods by fall 2013, start next month in KCK

    The final tally from the Google Fiber rally is in. Google this afternoon announced that 180 “fiberhoods” in Kansas City, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. will be wired for its new, ultra high-speed internet service. The Hanover Heights fiberhood in Kansas City, Kan. is …

  • At least 180 fiberhoods hit Google Fiber mark; more news due Thursday

    The six-week rally during which Kansas Citians could pre-register for Google Fiber closed on Sunday, and at least 180 out of 202 “fiberhoods” in Kansas City, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. qualified for Google’s ultra high-speed internet service, project general manager Kevin Lo said Sunday in a post on the Google Fiber Blog. On Thursday,…

  • Out and about by The Bay: A photo recap of SPN’s visit to San Francisco

    Last week, I spent a few days in San Francisco along with Dusty Reynolds, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce’s director of innovation and entrepreneurship. We encountered plenty of people familiar with the work of Silicon Prairie News. We met others who had heard of SPN or our events, Big Omaha and Thinc Iowa, but…